You can design your own QR Code Labels that will link to a url and that turns your $1 QR code into thousands of dollars worth of information. We have 3 different types to pick from, depending on where you are going to use them and how long they need to last. Any size or shape is possible.
We have these 3 types of QR code labels that you can create:
Strong - Stronger - Strongest
Option #1 - Create Your Strongest Level QR Code Labels Here
You can design the Strongest level qr code labels in the checkout process. These are made by using 5 mil polyester and a 6 mil clear protective laminate on top and a 5 mil or 2 mil application of 3M adhesive on the back. These qr code labels can be enhanced with your company logo and any type of contact information. You can create your custom qr code labels HERE. The clear protective laminate that we put on the top of these qr code labels protects the printing from being scratched or fading. The 3M adhesive on the back is specifically designed to stick to difficult substrates like plastic, metal, or powder coat. See the 3M Data Sheet Here. Click here to see a video where we tested these qr code labels on a bulldozer. Here is our data sheet for the Strongest level barcode labels.
Option #2 - Create Your Stronger Mid Level QR Code Labels Here
Create your Stronger level qr code labels in the checkout process. These are manufactured with a 5 mil vinyl and a 5 mil clear protective laminate over the top with 2 mils permanent adhesive on the back. Our Strongest & Stronger level qr code labels are full color digitally printed so the possibilities are endless. We can manufacture any size or shape qr code labels that you want, so if our standard .75" x 1.5", .75" x 2", or 1" x 2" size qr labels don't fit your needs, no problema! You can order your Stronger level qr code labels HERE. Here is our data sheet for Stronger level barcode labels.
Option #3 - Create Your Strong Economy Level QR Code Labels Here
Create your custom Strong level qr code labels in the checkout process. The Strong Level qr code labels are made by using a 2 mil polyester that has 1 mil thickness of adhesive on the back. These qr code labels are thermal transfer printed polyester, and there are several color options are available. This strength level of qr code label doesn't last as long as our Stronger or Strongest level labels, so if you are not sure which one you need, you can watch this video that describes all three levels of our qr code labels. To order your Strong level qr code labels HERE. For more information on our qr code labels, click here for our Strong level barcode labels data sheet.
These 3 videos explain the features of each strength level of our Barcode Stickers:
Strongest Level Video
Stronger Level Video
Strong Level Video
Standard sizes for our qr code labels are:
1" x 2"
.75" x 2"
.75" x 1.5"
(custom sizes and shapes are available)
FREE Shipping to the 48 Contiguous United States!
Watch this video to see the features of all 3 types of our qr code labels: Strong, Stronger, & Strongest.
We put our qr code labels on a bulldozer to see if they would hold up while it moved 100 tons of sand - see what happens in this short video!
Watch this video to see how they held up.
Please call us or fill out the form below if you would like information about our qr code labels or other products that we manufacture.